Blog Journal #2

Technology is such a huge part of today's world. Within seconds, an individual can know anything about anything from any point and time. I think that the convenience of so much knowledge is mainly what influences students and teachers to use technology. Even textbooks can all be accessed electronically today which is both convenient and cheaper for schools and students.

The ISTE Standards for Educators is important in keeping the purpose of educators in mind. It is important for educators to all be on the same page so that most individuals graduate from school are able to be active and appropriate members of today's society. One standard from the list that really stuck out to me as important was the first standard; Learner. This standard states that educators should continually learn from others to improve their own skills and ultimately improve their student's outcomes. It is so important for educators to also continue to be educated. I think we often forget that our teachers don't always know everything. The world is always changing and we are always discovering new things and new ways of doing things that it's crucial to students that their teachers remain educated as well.

I think one standard from the ISTE list that seems somewhat outside of my current skill set would be the second standard; Leader. I like to think that when necessary, I can be a good leader that individuals like to follow. However, I am definitely not the first jump to the chance to be a leader. I am more comfortable letting others lead. This is a skill that I feel I should work on. I know that it is good to not always have to be a leader and I am thankful that I am comfortable at being a follower, but I would like to at least be more comfortable being a leader when I need to be.

I do not think that there is really a problem with the term "digital native". I think it's a pretty true term for today's youth, having grown up only knowing that technology exists whereas most of my teachers grew up in a time where there was little to no technology available, especially in the school systems. It's interesting to see the way young children grow up knowing how to use their parent's iPad better than the parents themselves. I have experienced some differences between my knowledge with technology and my teacher's knowledge of technology. There have been times where my teachers have asked for assistance from a student on how to use a certain aspect of technology. Those experiences made think even more about the first standard from ISTE talked about above; Learner. Teachers may be there to teach the students but that doesn't mean that they themselves cannot learn anything new form the students. I think that the same thing will occur later into the future as well. If I become a teacher, I am sure that there will be new forms of technology that I didn't grow up with that they will be able to teach me about.


  1. I commented on Mallory's blog (1/19) and Jacob's blog (1/19)

  2. Hi, Brittany

    You made a good point that even textbooks can all be accessed electronically today which is both convenient and cheaper for schools and students. Nowadays, an increasing number of free open texts have been developed for students. Have you heard about open texts?

    I agree with you that it's crucial to students that teachers remain educated as well.


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